Friday, July 17, 2009

Congratulations to Alicia and Michael...
The picture inserts are of the Crazy Horse Mountain carving that is located about 30 minutes from the Mt. Rushmore Memorial... the finished carving will look like the silhouette of Crazy Horse on his horse... an interesting fact is that the entire Mt. Rushmore sculpture would fit in Crazy Horse's hair... you can see from the smaller insert picture how far they've come since 1942, when the artist began carving the mountain working completely there are crews working daily to complete the work. You can click on an image here and it will open larger... then arrow back to the blog....
Every photographer works hard to get the shot at the "decisive" moment... but you know you've "arrived" when you get your horse to smile on cue!!!

Thursday, July 16, 2009

While touring around South Dakota, found this foreclosure... price was right... might consider. Just need to locate the original owner....

Friday, July 10, 2009

Alicia... TBN Center in Irving... Hot day in Texas...